What is it about Brazil? There must be something in the water. Those arms! Those shoulders! That smile! Those incredible muscles on Larissa look so good, she makes female bodybuilding look easy.
Okay, so it's been quite awhile since I've posted anything and even longer since I've posted regularly. I was on a pretty intense job which had me working 7 days a week for most of the last 2 months. Well, the job ended yesterday so I'm back! And to celebrate my return, I'd like to introduce you to Vanessa, a true beauty will some powerful looking biceps! Hope to see more of Vanessa in the future. What an inspiration!
Once upon a time there was a petite little model named Theresa. One day, she decided she didn't want to be little anymore and that she wanted big muscles. So she started lifting heavy and spent hours and hours at the gym. Suddenly she started to grow and grow and grow...
Special thanks to the reader who introduced me to some photos of Natalia. She's a young bodybuilder that recently started putting on some incredible size. Scroll down and you'll see what I mean. Looking forward to seeing more of her as she continues to grow!